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Automotive chip supply relief, the four major original manufacturers inventory has returned to the pre-epidemic level

September 6 news, according to Nikkei News reported that the world's top four original automotive chip manufacturers - Renesas Electronics (Renesas), Infineon (Infineon), NXP Semiconductors (NXP Semiconductors), STMicroelectronics ( STMicroelectronics) inventory has returned to the level before the new crown epidemic, which also means that the tight supply and demand situation for automotive chips has improved.

Reports show that the trend of inventory turnover months after the outbreak of the new crown epidemic in 2020, the average inventory rose to 3.9 months in April-June 2020 when the car makers mass production cuts, but then since the second half of 2020 due to the global shortage of chips, the average inventory cycle has been reduced to 2.85 months in January-March 2021. The average inventory turnover of these four automotive chip makers is 3.48 months during April-June 2022, almost equal to the annual average of 2019 (3.51 months), indicating that the tight supply-demand situation for automotive chips that has persisted since 2020 is showing improvement, which is expected to bring about an improvement in the resumption of production by car manufacturers (to fill the gap previously caused by chip shortages). is expected to contribute to the resumption of production (to fill the gap forced to reduce production due to chip shortages).

Volkswagen's chief financial officer (CFO) Arno Antlitz said in late July, "the second half (July-December) chip supply shortage is expected to ease.

The report also pointed out that although the tight supply and demand situation for chips has improved, but on the other hand, for each chip factory, inventory growth may become downward pressure on performance, and once the supply turns to excess, it is feared that the performance will deteriorate. In addition, the soaring prices of raw materials is also one of the hidden worries. Renesas president Shibata Hidetoshi pointed out that "some raw materials do not pay 10 times the previous price, you can not buy".


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